Monday, January 23, 2006

SNL Sidesplitters

About the only SNL skits to ever bring laughter-induced tears to my eyes are the Jeopardy skits featuring Sean Connery. God I think that's funny.

So I was overjoyed to run across a few on Google video. Enjoy...


Wade Kwon said...

I wonder if it's the same one as in this Will Ferrell collection going for $10 on iTunes. Now that NBC and other nets are trying to sell this for $2 to $10, should they leave it on Google Video (or the sites it links to) for free promotion or sue sue sue?

David said...

All 13 installments can be seen at the following link, if you're into that sort of thing.

Speed42 said...

Yeah, found that site just after posting. Spent the next hour laughing my ass off.